- Saldivia Gonzatti, I., Biemans, H., and Paparrizos, S. 2025. Integrating Seasonal Forecasts with Process-Based Crop Modeling for Responsive Adaptation to Food Risks in Sub-Saharan Africa. EGU General Assembly 2025, EGU25-16514, Vienna, Austria.
- Lambrechts, H., Sooijs, R, Paparrizos, S., Ludwig, F. & Stoof, C. (2024). Increasing fire danger in the Netherlands due to climate change. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 33, WF24020.
- Paparrizos, S., Vignola, R. and Sutanto, SJ. 2024. Integrating user- and data-driven weather forecasts to develop legitimate, credible, and salient information services for smallholders in the Global South. Scientific Reports, 14, 22841.
- Di Fant, V., del Pozo, M., Gulikers, J. and Paparrizos, S. 2024.Conceptualizations and implementation of user engagement in Weather and climate services: A climate services providers’ perspective. Heliyon, 10, e22940.
- Sutanto, S.J., Paparrizos, S., Kumar, U., Datta, D.K. and Ludwig, F. 2024. The performance of Climate Information Service in delivering scientific, local, and hybrid weather forecasts: A study case in Bangladesh. Climate Services, 30, 100459.
- del Pozo, M., Gulikers, J., van der Bolt, B., Paparrizos, S., Smolenaars, W., den Brok, P. and Ludwig, F. 2024. A learning framework for designing climate services for capacity building. Climate Services, 34, 1000499.
- Paparrizos, S., Attoh, E.M.N.A.N., Sutanto, S.J., Snoeren, N. & Ludwig, F. 2023. Local rainfall forecast knowledge across the globe used for agricultural decision-making. Science of the Total Environment, 899, 165539.
- Yang, W., Berg, P., Hutjes, R., McNight, U., Nauta, L. & Paparrizos, S. 2023. A pan-European service for hydrological seasonal forecasts at C3S. EGU General Assembly 2023, EGU23-13170, Vienna, Austria.
- Paparrizos, S., Baggen, Y., van Dalen, M., Ploum, L & Ludwig, F. 2023. Commercialization pathways for climate services for small holder farmers in the global South. Climate Services, 30, 100354.
- Lambrechts, H., Paparrizos, S., Brongersma, R., Kroeze, C., Ludwig, F. & Stoof, C. (2023). Governing wildfire in global change context: Lessons from Water Management in the Netherlands. Fire Ecology, 19, 6.
- Mousumi, M., Paparrizos, S., Ahmed, Z., Kumar, U., Uddin, E. & Ludwig F. (2023). Common sources and needs of weather information for rice disease forecasting and management in coastal Bangladesh. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences, 95(1), 2191794.
- Sutanto, S.J., Paparrizos, S., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., Jamaldeen, B.M., Issahaku, A.K., Gandaa, B.Z., Supit, I. & van Slobbe, E. 2022. The Role of Soil Moisture Information in Developing Robust Climate Services for Smallholder Farmers: Evidence from Ghana. Agronomy, 12, 541.
- Paparrizos, S., Kumar, U., Amjath-Babu, T.S. & Ludwig, F. 2021. Are farmers willing to pay for participatory climate information services? Insights from a case study in peri-urban Khulna, Bangladesh. Climate Services, 23, 100241.
- Kumar, U., Werners, S., Paparrizos, S., Kumar Datta, D. & Ludwig, F. 2021. Co-producing climate information services with smallholder farmers in the Lower Bengal Delta: how forecast visualization and mode of communication support farmers' decision-making. Climate Risk Management, 33, 100346.
- Smolenaars, W., Paparrizos, S., Werners, S. & Ludwig, F. 2021. Flood Risk and Adaptation Strategies for Soybean Production Systems on the Flood-Prone Pampas under Climate Change. Agronomy, 11, 1187.
- Gbangou, T., van Slobbe, E., Ludwig, F., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., & Paparrizos, S. 2021. Harnessing local forecasting knowledge on weather and climate in Ghana: documentation, skills and integration with scientific forecasting knowledge. Weather, Climate and Society, 13(1), 23-37.
- Paparrizos, S., Smolenaars, W., Gbangou, T., van Slobbe, E. & Ludwig, F. 2020. Verification of weather and seasonal forecast information in relation to the peri-urban farmers’ needs in the Lower Ganges Delta in Bangladesh. Atmosphere, 11(10), 1041.
- Kumar, U., Werners, S., Paparrizos, S., Kumar Datta, D. & Ludwig, F. 2020. Hydroclimatic Information Needs of Smallholder Farmers in the Lower Bengal Delta, Bangladesh. Atmosphere, 11(9), 1009.
- Gbangou, T., Sarku, R., van Slobbe, E., Ludwig, F., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., & Paparrizos, S. 2020. Coproducing Weather Forecast Information with and for Smallholder Farmers in Ghana: Evaluation and Design Principles. Atmosphere, 11(9), 902.
- Fotelli, M., Korakaki, E., Paparrizos, S., Radoglou, K., Awada, T., & Matzarakis, A. 2019. Environmental controls on the seasonal variation in gas exchange and water balance in a near-coastal Mediterranean Pinus halepensis forest. Forests, 10, 313.
- Paparrizos, S., Ciais, P., Peylin, P., Bastrikov, V., Peng, S., & Chevallier, F., 2018. A statistical model to compute wetland CH4 emissions from an ensemble of predictors. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-17199, Vienna, Austria.
- Paparrizos, S., Schindler, D., Potouridis, S., & Matzarakis, A., 2018. Spatio-temporal analysis of present and future precipitation responses over South Germany. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 9(3), 490-499.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., Weiler, M., & Matzarakis, A., 2018. Analysis and mapping of present and future drought conditions over Greek areas with different climate conditions. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 131 (102), 259-270.
- Paparrizos, S. & Matzarakis, A., 2018. Agrarmeteorologische Bewertung der Wachstumsgradtage (Growing Degree Days) für ausgewählte Gebiete mit unterschiedlichen klimatischen Bedingungen in Griechenland. Phänologie Journal, 50 / Juli 2018, 1-5.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., & Matzarakis, A., 2017. Sensitivity analysis and comparison of various potential evapotranspiration formulae for selected Greek areas with different climate conditions. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 128(3-4), 745-759.
- Paparrizos, S. & Maris, F., 2017. Hydrological simulation of Sperchios River basin in Central Greece using the MIKE SHE model and geographic information systems, Applied Water Science, 7(2), 591-599.
- Paparrizos, S., & Matzarakis, A., 2017. Present and future assessment of growing degree days over selected Greek areas with different climate conditions. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 129(5), 453-467.
- Paparrizos, S., 2016. The effect of climate on the hydrological regime of selected Greek areas with different climate conditions. Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., & Matzarakis, A., 2016. A downscaling technique for climatological data in areas with complex topography and limited data. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 12(11), 17-23.
- Paparrizos, S., & Matzarakis, A., 2016. Assessment of future climate change impacts on the hydrological regime of selected Greek areas with different climate conditions. Hydrology Research, 48(5), 1327-1342.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., & Matzarakis, A., 2016. Integrated analysis of present and future response of precipitation over selected Greek areas with different climate conditions, Atmospheric Research, 169, 199-208.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., & Matzarakis, A., 2016. Integrated analysis and mapping of aridity over Greek areas with different climate conditions. Global NEST Journal. 18(1), 131-145.
- Fuchs, S., Karagiorgos, K., Kitikidou, K., Maris, F., Paparrizos, S., & Thaler, Th., 2016. Flood risk perception and adaptation capacity: A contribution to the socio-hydrology debate. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science 21(6), 3183-3198.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., & Matzarakis, A., 2016. Growing Degree Days and precipitation as assessment factors for future responses in agriculture in Evros Region, Greece. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Civil Protection (SafeEvros2016). Alexandroupoli, Greece, 22-25 June 2016, 9.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., & Matzarakis, A., 2016. Mapping of drought for Sperchios River basin in central Greece. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(5), 881-891.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., Kitikidou, K., Anastasiou, Th., & Potouridis, S., 2015. Comparative analysis of soil erosion sensitivity using various quantizations within GIS environment: an application on Sperchios River basin in Central Greece, International Journal of River basin Management, 13(4), 475-486.
- Karagiorgos, K., Thaler, Th., Maris, F., Paparrizos, S., & Fuchs, S., 2015. Private adaptation strategies and implementation in flood risk management: why do people do nothing? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-257, Vienna, Austria.
- Maris, F., Kitikidou, K., Paparrizos, S., Karagiorgos, K., Potouridis, S. & Fuchs, S., 2015. Regional hazard analysis for use in vulnerability and risk assessment. Quaestiones Geographicae, 34(3), 77-84.
- Paparrizos, S., Anastasiou, Th., Maris, F., Kitikidou, K. & Potouridis, S., 2014. Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) in Greece; An assessment of geoportals for carrying out hydrological projects, International Water Technology Journal, 4(4), 222-232.
- Μάρης, Φ., Παπαρρίζος, Σπ. & Καρατζιός, Γ. 2014. Υδρογεωπληροφορική - Μοντελοποίηση και Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Υδάτινων Πόρων, Εκδόσεις Δισίγμα, Θεσσαλονίκη, σ. 376.
- Maris, F., Kitikidou, K., Paparrizos, S., Karagiorgos, K., Potouridis, S. & Fuchs, S. 2014. Regional hazard analysis for use in vulnerability and risk assessment, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-16822, Vienna, Austria.
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F. & Matzarakis, A. 2014. Estimation and Comparison of Potential Evapotranspiration based on daily and monthly data from Sperchios river valley in Central Greece, Global NEST Journal, Vol. 16(2), 204-217.
- Maris, F., Kitikidou, K., Paparrizos, S. & Potouridis, S. 2014. Stream flow quantile regression modelling using land use information in the Sperchios River basin (Central Greece), Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 9(1), 5-10.
- Ποτουρίδης, Σ., Ξανθοπούλου, Κ., Παπαρρίζος, Σ. & Μάρης, Φ. 2012. Μοντέλα Διάβρωσης στις Μεσογειακές περιοχές. Θέματα Δασολογίας και Διαχείρισης Περιβάλλοντος και Φυσικών Πόρων 4ος Τόμος: Ολοκληρωμένη Διαχείριση Υδατικών Πόρων, σελ. 251-265, ISBN:978-960-9698-05-4, Τμήμα Δασολογίας και Διαχείρισης Περιβάλλοντος και Φυσικών Πόρων, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης, Ορεστιάδα.
- Παπαρρίζος, Σ., Αναστασίου, Θ. & Ποτουρίδης, Σ. 2012. Εκτίμηση μέσης ετήσιας εδαφικής απώλειας με χρήση τριών εμπειρικών μοντέλων και τη Γεγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών. Η περίπτωση των χειμάρρων Τσάι, Βαθύ και Λυκόρεμα της περιοχής Αλεξανδρούπολης. Θέματα Δασολογίας και Διαχείρισης Περιβάλλοντος και Φυσικών Πόρων 4ος Τόμος: ολοκληρωμένη Διαχείριση Υδατικών Πόρων, 229-250, ISBN: 978-960-9698-05-4, Τμήμα Δασολογίας και Διαχείρισης Περιβάλλοντος και Φυσικών Πόρων, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης, Ορεστιάδα.
- Παπαρρίζος, Σ. 2012. Μελέτη του χειμαρρικού περιβάλλοντος του ποταμού Σπερχειού με το ολοκληρωμένο, υδρολογικό, φυσικής βάσης μοντέλο MIKE - SHE και χρήση GIS. Μεταπτυχιακή Διατριβή, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης, Ορεστιάδα.
- Παπαρρίζος,
Σ. & Ποτουρίδης, Σ. 2011. “Εκτίμηση μέσης ετήσια εδαφικής απώλειας με χρήση τριών εμπειρικών μεθόδων και τη βοήθεια των Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών. Η περίπτωση του ποταμού Σπερχειού.” . Έγινε δεκτή μετά από κρίση και δημοσιεύθηκε, στην Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Δασολογίας και Διαχείρισης Περιβάλλοντος και Φυσικών Πόρων, Τόμος 3ος (Ευστάθιος Τσαχαλίδης), σελ. 537-560, ISBN Σειράς 978-960-89345-3-5, ISBN 978-960-9668-01-6, Ορεστιάδα, 2011.
- Παπαρρίζος, Σ. 2011. Έλεγχος Ομοιογένειας Βροχομετρικών Δεδομένων - Κατασκευή Διπλής Αθροιστικής καμπύλης - Συμπλήρωση Δεδομένων - Επέκταση Χρονοσειράς. Η περίπτωση των Βροχομετρικών Σταθμών της Λεκάνης απορροής του ποταμού Σπερχειού. Παρουσιάσεις Εργαστηρίου Διευθέτησης Ορεινών Υδάτων και Διαχείρισης Κινδύνου, Τμήμα Δασολογίας & Διαχείρισης Περιβάλλοντος και Φυσικών Πόρων, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης, Ορεστιάδα.
- Παπαρρίζος, Σ. & Χατζημηνιάδης, Α. Μ. 2010. Το χειμαρρικό περιβάλλον του ποταμού Σπερχειού, Διπλωματική Διατριβή, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης, Ορεστιάδα.